peter pilsl wrote:


/usr/bin/ld:exports.list:1: parse error in VERSION script
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make[3]: *** [] Error 1

The machine is a very old machine, that uses GNU ld but it was able to compile and run postgres8.0.13 without any troubles.

And I dont want to upgrade binutils (and probably the whole server) until I have to.

The problem is probably with the format of exports.list. In 8.3.0 a file exports.list is created by the make-process with a gawk-command out of exports.txt if it does not exist yet (see output of my make-command above) and this exports.list then makes the troubles.

In 8.0.13 there is only exports.txt and no exports.list and during make no exports.list is created.

I've worked around this by removing the offending lines from the Makefiles in question.

You're looking for lines resembling:
  exported_symbols_list = -Wl,--version-script=exports.list
There are in platform-specific sections so make sure you get the linux ones. There were half a dozen makefiles that needed lines commenting out.

Maybe someone of a more developer background can comment on any risks, but it didn't seem to cause any problems for me. Happily for me, that server is being replaced in the immediate future, so it's not something I'll have to do again.

  Richard Huxton
  Archonet Ltd

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