On Feb 4, 2008 7:10 PM, Guido Neitzer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 04.02.2008, at 18:00, Gurjeet Singh wrote:
> > I understand it all needs a little bit of 'vi' wizardry, (or
> > whichever editor you are using). Also, as with all open-source
> > suggestions, do not rely on this procedure until you understand what
> > and how it does what it does.
> Sure, the only problem is, I'm talking about a laaaarge file. Maybe I
> just import the whole bunch and drop some of the databases after that.
> Seems to be less hazzle, but takes probably an hour or two longer, so
> I'll take a service window next night ...
> Thanks for the hints.

Here's what I'd do.  First, use head, tail, and grep to find the lines
you need to cut at...

for instance, the create database statements will come up first, so
something like this:

For a test from dumpall I did this:

$ grep -in "Create database"  test.sql
34:CREATE DATABASE smarlowe WITH TEMPLATE = template0 OWNER = postgres

That pulls the create database line out.  Then, I can find the dump
data with this:

$ grep -in \\connect test.sql
5:\connect postgres
41:\connect postgres
141:\connect smarlowe
335:\connect template1

So, for the smarlowe database I need to get lines 141 to 334.  Quick test:

head -n 141 test.sql |tail -n 1
\connect smarlowe
 head -n 335 test.sql|tail -n 1
\connect template1

So, the lines are where They should be and head / tail lets me grab
them.  Now, to grab the bits I need:

echo $((335-141))
194  -- Number of lines to grab

So, to grab the dump, I can use

$ head -n 334 test.sql|tail -n 194 > smarlowe.sql

Note I'm grabbing 335-1 since I don't actually want the \connect template1 bit.

Quick test:
$ head -n 334 test.sql|tail -n 194|head -n 1
\connect smarlowe
$ head -n 334 test.sql|tail -n 194|tail -n 4
-- PostgreSQL database dump complete

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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