On Feb 4, 2008, at 3:26 PM, Tom Lane wrote:

Erik Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Sure.  I've attached an archive with the full memory context and
error for each.  Note that I'm already 99% sure that this is due to
our exorbitantly large relation set which is why I think pg_dump's
catalog queries are running out of work_mem (currently at just over

work_mem doesn't seem to be your problem --- what it looks like to me is
that it's CacheMemoryContext and subsidiary contexts that's growing to
unreasonable size, no doubt because of all the relcache entries for all
those tables pg_dump has to touch.  I'm wondering a bit why
CacheMemoryContext has so much free space in it, but even if it had none
you'd still be at risk.  There isn't any provision in the current
backend to limit the number of relcache entries, so eventually you're
gonna run out of space if you have enough tables.

Even so, you seem to be well under 1Gb in the server process. How much
RAM is in the machine?

16GB total.  When this occurred we had over 9G free on the system.

Are you sure the postmaster is being launched
under ulimit unlimited?

ulimit -a gives:

core file size        (blocks, -c) unlimited
data seg size         (kbytes, -d) unlimited
file size             (blocks, -f) unlimited
open files                    (-n) 256
pipe size          (512 bytes, -p) 10
stack size            (kbytes, -s) 10240
cpu time             (seconds, -t) unlimited
max user processes            (-u) 16357
virtual memory        (kbytes, -v) unlimited

If it's a 32-bit machine, maybe you need to
back off shared_buffers or other shmem size parameters so that more
address space is left for backend private memory.

It is a 32-bit machine and we're currently set @ 2GB for shared_buffers. For the others: 512 max_connections, 512 max_locks_per_transaction and 0 max_prepared_transactions. While having both of those two 512s may seem large, much less and I get Out of Memory errors that specifically suggest increasing max_lock.s_per_transaction

In the long run you probably ought to rethink having so many tables;
that doesn't sound like great database design to me.

No, this is definitely not a good design. It was one set up by application developers about three years ago who apparently had the very wrong idea about table inheritance. Since I took over the database administration last summer it's been a game of whack-a-mole trying deal with issues that keep popping up because of it. I do have migration plans to remedy this, but it's slow going as I'm also dependent on application developer time for the necessary migrations there.

A possible stopgap answer is to be selective about how many tables get
dumped per pg_dump run, though I'm worried about the risk of leaving
some out entirely.

Well, once a month I dump tables specific to accounts that have been closed for more than 90 days, everything left is pretty critical as it's either internal company data or active client data.

Thanks for all of your help and suggestions yet again, Tom, You're willingness to take at look at these kind of things is more appreciated than you probably know :)

Erik Jones

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