On Sat, 2 Feb 2008 15:43:15 -0200
"Aílsom F. Heringer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
> This is my first message, and I need some help. I have just installed
> Postgresql 8.2. (Windows).
> At pgAdmin III Query, when I send SELECT * FROM USUARIOS, I get all
> columns correctly. But when I try to get only one column, SELECT senha
> FROM USUARIOS, I get the error message:
> ERROR: column "senha" does not exist
> SQL state: 42703
> Character: 8
> What is the problem ?

The problem is that the column doesn't exist.  Just like the error message
says.  Without some more information (such as the table definition) I can
only speculate on exactly why that is the case, and my speculation is that
you created the table with the column names in uppercase and pgAdmin
preserved that.  PostgreSQL is case-sensative, so try matching the column
name exactly and putting "" around it.  If that doesn't work, provide some
more information in your question.


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