On Tue, Jan 29, 2008 at 05:10:00AM -0800, Glyn Astill wrote:
> well its using the pgsql_replication_check.pl, which does:
> ----------------------
> use Pg;
> So I assume it's not getting past the use Pg line as although it's
> looking in /usr/lib/perl5 it's not going to look in
> /usr/lib/perl5/DBD ??

No. It's not using the DBI Pg. There's another module. A standalone one
that I believe it may be using. Under Debian this is available as
libpg-perl. Your OS/Distro may vary. If you don't have it available as a
package, check with CPAN.


    "To the extent that we overreact, we proffer the terrorists the
    greatest tribute."
        - High Court Judge Michael Kirby

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