On Jan 24, 2008 11:02 PM, brian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The client for a web application I'm working on wants certain URLs to
> contain the full names of members ("SEO-friendly" links). Scripts would
> search on, say, a member directory entry based on the name of the
> member, rather than the row ID. I can easily join first & last names
> with an underscore (and split on that later) and replace spaces with +,
> etc. But many of the names contain multibyte characters and so the URLs
> would become URL-encoded, eg:
> Adelina España -> Adelina_Espa%C3%B1a
> The client won't like this (and neither will I).
> I can create a conversion array to replace certain characters with
> 'normal' ones:
> Adelina_Espana
> However, I then run into the problem of trying to match 'Espana' to
> 'España'. Searching online, I found a few ideas (soundex, intuitive
> fuzzy something-or-other) but mostly they seem like overkill for this
> application.
> The best I can come up with is to add a 'link_name' column to the table
>   that holds the 'normalised' version of the name ('Adelina_Espana', or
> even 'adelina_espana'). The duplication bugs me a little but the table
> currently stands at a whopping ~3500 names, so I'm not too concerned.
> My question is: well, does this look like the way to go, considering
> it's just a web app (and isn't likely to ever top 10000 names)? Or is
> there something clever (yet not overkill) that I'm missing?
> If I do go this route, I'd add an insert/update trigger to call a
> function (PL/Perl, I'm looking at you) that handles the conversion to
> link_name.

You could create an immutable function to convert characters from
accented to normalized, then index on that function.

select normalized_name(firstname||'_'||lastname) from sometable
where normalized_name(firstname||'_'||lastname) = 'adelina_espana'

kind of thing.

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
       choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

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