On Jan 18, 2008 4:14 AM, Dorren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Terabytes of data: this is a lot of Oracle data to migrate. You would
> need a high performance tools capable to handle heterogeneous
> environment
> People suggested links here, so I will add some that could be very
> appropriate to your case:
> PostgreSQL loader is limited by the way. For instance, if you have a
> end of the line character within your data then load into PostgreSQL
> will fail.
> Check this pdf:
> http://www.wisdomforce.com/dweb/resources/docs/OracleToNetezzaWithFastReader.pdf
> Few tools to consider:
> FastReader:  http://www.wisdomforce.com/dweb/index.php?id=23 -
> extracts data from Oracle into ASCII flat files or pipe and create a
> input for PostgreSQL loader. Many people use it for fast initial
> synchronization. Fastreader performs bulk data extract when terabytes
> of data can be migrated in hours
> Database Sync - http://www.wisdomforce.com/dweb/index.php?id=1001  -
> also fast data transfer tool that operates as a change data capture.
> It captures all the latest transactions and could be used for data
> warehouse incremental feeds with OLTP Oracle data. You may need it if
> don't want each time to move terabytes of data but only the changed
> data

Thanks. Ill checkout those options. I also have another question in mind.
How good(or fast) will it be to use java with jdbc to transfer these
terabytes of data from oracle to postgresql? This worked okay for small
datasets but Im not sure how it will behave for large data.
 And also keep track of the changes in the Oracle production system using


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