Hello Vivek,

Am 2007-12-21 15:59:21, schrieb Vivek Khera:
> On Dec 21, 2007, at 11:09 AM, Martijn van Oosterhout wrote:
> >The usual answer is use slony. You can use it to replicate the 8.0
> >server onto an 8.1 server. This may take weeks/months/years/whatever  
> >to
> >synchronise. When the slave is up to date, you pull the plug on the  
> >8.0
> >server and get everyone to use the 8.1 server... No downtime...
> >
> except he has large objects, which slony can't replicate.

currently or will this be changed in the future?

My PostgreSQL 8.2 is now a little bit more then 900 GByte without and
3800 GByte with indexes and restoring a dump take several days on my
Opteron with 8 GByte of memory using 15000 RpM 300 GByte SCSI drives.

Note: I am already using "TableSpace" and "TablePartitioning" to fight
      the enormeous size which is growing every day by arround 350 MB.

      ...and since I am not God or the absolute PostgreSQL guru (which
      should redesign my Database-Structure) I have a bunch of "Large
      Objects" in this pig which should be normaly on a fileserver or

Thanks, Greetings and nice Day
    Michelle Konzack
    Tamay Dogan Network
    Debian GNU/Linux Consultant

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