I've read this CREATE FUNCTION sum_n_product(x int, y int, OUT sum int, OUT prod int) AS $$ BEGIN sum := x + y; prod := x * y; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
at http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.1/interactive/plpgsql-declarations.html#PLPGSQL-DECLARATION-ALIASES what if I need explicit RETURN to get out of the function if I don't want to create a type and still have control of the types of the returned values (that means avoiding any*)? eg. if(found) then RETURN Afunction(); else RETURN Bfunction(); end if; currently I solved the issue this way: create or replace function testA(out _BasketID1 int, out _BasketID2 int) as $$ begin _BasketID1:=1; _BasketID2:=2; return; end; $$ language plpgsql; create or replace function testB(out _BasketID1 int, out _BasketID2 int) as $$ begin select into _BasketID1,_BasketID2 * from testA(); return; end; $$ language plpgsql; But when I switch to select into _BasketID1,_BasketID2 _BasketID1,_BasketID2 from testA(); nothing get back from testB(). That obliges me to match returning parameters, that may not always be the case. Any other way to return *controlled* composite types without declaring a composite type explicitly? thx -- Ivan Sergio Borgonovo http://www.webthatworks.it ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings