
What is the best way to install PostgreSQL on Mac OS X 10.5.1?
Or, perhaps I should ask is there a preferred way to PostgreSQL on Mac OS X?

Is a disk image installer fine? Or, is it better to compile all the components?

Is this installation perfectly fine?
PostGIS recommends Kyngesburye: http://www.postgis.org/download/
They also refer to Fink.

Pat Maddox's blog recommends this approach:

Apple recommends Fink:

The 'Robby on Rails' blog recommends MacPorts:

Here's another installation (this is out-of-date):

Is there a clear "answer" for installation? Is the answer, "it depends?" Does all of this also apply to a Mac OS X 10.4.x machine?

Should I just use the single click DMG from Kyngesburye and optionally install PostGIS? That looks like the easiest approach. Or, Should I use MacPorts or Fink?

Thanks and happy holidays,

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