Hi people, (I'm not sure how you lot feel about cross posting, but I've posted this on the slony lists as well as here)
I setup a slony replication set for a table and subscribed my a node to it. However in the slony log the subscriber shows : 2007-12-20 11:50:38 GMT ERROR remoteWorkerThread_1: node -1 not found in runtime configuration 2007-12-20 11:50:38 GMT WARN remoteWorkerThread_1: data copy for set 3 failed - sleep 15 seconds I have no idea why this error has come about, the table I put in the replication set exists on both the publisher and subscriber. What I wanted to do was just drop the replication set from the publisher and subscriber and try setting it up again. I've done most of my setup using pgAdminIII, and it doesn't seem to have an option to drop the set. I did at one point manage to drop the set from the publisher, but it remained on the subscriber and I couldn't drop it. So I recreated it on the publisher to see if it'd help - to no avail and now I don't have the option to drop either. Could someone tell me how I'd go about dropping it from both the subscriber and the publisher? A pointer to a guide to doing the stuff pgAdmin does manually might be a help too. Thanks Glyn ___________________________________________________________ Yahoo! Answers - Got a question? Someone out there knows the answer. Try it now. http://uk.answers.yahoo.com/ ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives? http://archives.postgresql.org/