Andrew Nesheret wrote:
set enable_seqscan to on;

prepare testStatement (int) as
SELECT 1 FROM ONLY sf_ipv4traffic x WHERE $1 OPERATOR(pg_catalog.=) node FOR SHARE OF x;

EXPLAIN ANALYZE execute testStatement( 2007 );
EXPLAIN ANALYZE execute testStatement( 156 );
                                                          QUERY PLAN

Seq Scan on sf_ipv4traffic x (cost=0.00..360281.29 rows=15795383 Total runtime: 129131.315 ms

Seq Scan on sf_ipv4traffic x (cost=0.00..360281.29 rows=15795383 Total runtime: 420342.751 ms

set enable_seqscan to off;

Index Scan using fki_nodes on sf_ipv4traffic x (cost=0.00..577918.84 Total runtime: 93.944 ms

Index Scan using fki_nodes on sf_ipv4traffic x (cost=0.00..577918.84 Total runtime: 445145.901 ms

OK, so your cost estimates are about 360,000 for seq-scan and 578,000 for index-scan. Of course the row estimates are fixed regardless of the value you test so the estimated cost is the same for both 2007 and 156.

However, the timings aren't in line with the costs for node=156, and you'd hope they would be. That should be fixable by tweaking the planner cost settings (see chapter "17.6.2 planner cost constants"), particularly effective_cache_size and random_page cost I'd guess.

I'm putting together a small test case to see if I can reproduce your behaviour here.

  Richard Huxton
  Archonet Ltd

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

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