Howard Cole wrote:
Martijn van Oosterhout wrote:
On Thu, Dec 20, 2007 at 11:51:34AM +0100, A. Kretschmer wrote:
am Thu, dem 20.12.2007, um 10:36:08 +0000 mailte Howard Cole folgendes:
Your expression works fine Richard, as does '(^| )ho', but can you tell me why '[ ^]ho' doesn't work?
With ^ you means an anchor, but within the brackets it's a simple char.

Err no, it inverts the test. [^ ] means any character *except* a space.

Have a nice day,
Hi Marijn, Andreas,

I think Andreas is right, note the ordering of characters in the above example as [ ^] rather than [^ ]. So if the '^' is taken as literal '^', can I check for the beginning of a string in the brackets, or am I forced to use the (^| ) syntax?

Is it just me or are regular expressions crazy?


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Sorry - I have just read the relevant section of the manual again and it is starting to make sense. I shall use the (^| ) syntax as suggested.
Thanks for all the help.

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