Gregory Williamson wrote:
Kevin H. wrote on Tue 12/18/2007 7:26 PM

 > Hullo List,
 > This is aimed at everyone in this community who contributes to the
 > Postgres project, but especially at the core folks who continually make
 > this community great through energy, time, money, responses, and
 > what-have-you.


 > The point is that I hope you realize just how much you all mean to the
 > community.


Greg Williamson


I'm just disappointed that I finish up work with my current employer on Friday and where I am going I won't get to work with PG anymore and thus won't have as much opportunity to interact with the PG community.

That is until I can convince my new employer to realise the dark side of Microsoft SQL Server. :)

Paul Lambert
Database Administrator
AutoLedgers - A Reynolds & Reynolds Company

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

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