--- Colin Wetherbee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Sam Mason wrote: > > On Sun, Dec 16, 2007 at 06:31:56PM -0500, Colin > Wetherbee wrote: > >> If I write one Perl sub for each operation on the > table (e.g. one that > >> gets the username and password hash, another that > gets the last name and > >> first name, etc.), there will be a whole lot of > subs, each of which > >> performs one very specific task. > >> Right. First rule of software engineering is keep functions as small as possible, focussed on one thing wherever practicable. It doesn't matter if the language is Perl or C++ or Java, or a stored procedure in an RDBMS. One can always create additional driver functions that use the elemental simple functions to do more complex tasks (bearing in mind the complexities that will inevitably arise in multiple user situations).
> >> If I write one larger Perl sub that grabs the > whole row, and then I deal > >> with the contents of the row in Perl, ignoring > columns as I please, it > >> will require fewer subs and, in turn, imply > cleaner code. > > Define "cleaner code." The more data, and the more complex that data, the more code you have to write, regardless of whether that is in one function or several. Either way, done badly, can be a problem for both maintenance and performance. > > It sounds as though you're just treating the > database as a relatively > > dumb datastore. They can be used as this, and > Toms comments are as > > always good, but relational databases come into > their own when you're > > writing more complex queries. When I'm writing my > code I tend to put > > the SQL statements directly in with the rest of > the code, abstracting > > away from the database tends to make things more > complicated than they > > need to be. > > Because I know Perl a whole lot better than SQL, > PostgreSQL, and even > the Perl DBI, I'm always inclined to wrap the > database stuff in a nice > little package and forget about it. This method has > worked well for me > in the past, but the project I'm starting is much > bigger in terms of > database use than anything else I've written. > I routinely keep my SQL code distinct from my Perl, java or C++ code. When a client program needs to do something with the database, then either a child process executes a script I have written, if the client program doesn't need to do anything with data drawn from the database, or I have all the SQL code in one or more stored procedures, and use the appropriate client interface to invoke the stored procedure(s). Whether the SQL is in a specific script or in a stored procedure, my SQL code is kept distinct from the client code, regardles of the language I have used for that. I find this even MORE useful as my projects get bigger. > You say you write SQL directly in your application > code, rather than > writing task-oriented wrappers. I like that idea, > but I can see that > getting really messy. What is your opinion on how > it affects code > maintenance and things like that? > >From what I have seen, even in small, almost trivial, client programs, I find this gets messy real quick. I, therefore, hate the idea of mixing SQL in with client code (it is all, in my view, application code). I like the use of middleware objects since, if well designed, they can make developing the code required all the simpler. It is only when badly done that an abstraction leads to complicated code that is a nightmare to maintain; worse if it is inadequately documented. The whole purpose of abstraction, whether one is using objected oriented development of middleware, or generic programming, or structured programming, or functional programming, is to analyze a complex problem into more manageable parts. The parts themselves become easier to code (witness java beans of various kinds, such as backing beans - my beans get their data either from the database or from the user interface - in either case, they make interaction between a web based interface and the database back end MUCH simpler to code), and the relationships among the parts are easier to understand. Each kind of abstraction has its place. It is up to the analyst or architect to figure out how many layers and what abstractions are appropriate for a given project. HTH Ted ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ? http://www.postgresql.org/docs/faq