Il Friday 14 December 2007 19:32:14 Andrej Ricnik-Bay ha scritto:
> On 12/15/07, Vincenzo Romano <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Buon giorno.
> > Nel file FILBD.TXT sono presenti dei prodotti per il quali il campo
> > "Unita' di Misura" (offset 182) presenza il valore "PM".
> > Allego la lista dei prodotti interessati.
> And in English?
> Or maybe find an Italian list? :}
> Cheers,
> Andrej

Sorry guys.
It's been a mistake. I've tried to ask the owner to discard the email.
I'm not even subscribed to this list: the usual copy+paste mistake!

It'd be too boring in English, though! :-)

Vincenzo Romano
Information Technologies
cel. +39 339 8083886
tel. +39 0823 454163
fax. +39 02 700506964
<Non quietis maribus nauta peritus>

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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