> Good morning to everybody,
> I've to resolve this situation: I've a collection of many different 
> databases, all identical, and the name of those databases is stored inside a 
> table in another "central
> management" database.
> In an ideal world, I'd like with a single query to be able to recover the 
> name of each database from the table that does contains them, and use it to 
> do a query on each table on
> each databse joining the results.
> At the moment I'm doing it by external code, but performaces are awfull...
> At first I tough something similar to
> select * from tab_databases,dblink('dbname=' || tab_databases.name,'select 
> count(id) from tab_data')
> could work, but it seems its not allowed to reference rows from another table 
> inside the from level.
> Putting dblink outside that level allow me to use the dynamic dbname, but in 
> that case I would need a row resource, while dblink give back a table 
> resource...
> Is it possible to resolve this inside the databse?
> Thanks a lot...

This seems to be appropriate task for pl/proxy:



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