--- On Tue, 12/11/07, Matthew Dennis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.3/static/sql-createaggregate.html
> is for
> 8.3 where there were some changes to the number of
> arguments an aggregate
> could take.  I believe it's also more descriptive
> documentation.
> of course for things like average you wouldn't need a
> custom type...

Thanks for the information it is very useful.  The reason that I ask, is that I 
am trying to develop a way to calculate the average power factor(scalar) of a 
Motor Control Center (among other things).  The Electrical Engineers that are 
asking for the report introduced me to a rather complicated formula to 
implement in standard SQL.

The best way that I can describe the problem get the PF is finding the angle 
between Xcomp/hypotenuse after having used Pythagorean theorem to find the 
hypotenuse after having summing of multiple 2 coordinate vectors(the EEs use 
the term phasers) for each MCC cubical.

It seems they have need for quite a few other little aggregate functions that 
they would like me to make if I can get this one done first.

Anyway thank for the push in the right direction!

Richard Broersma Jr.


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

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