Joshua D. Drake wrote:
Hash: SHA1
On Tue, 11 Dec 2007 11:54:12 -0500
Thomas Hart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I agree. Obviously there is convention, and I will post in the style
generally accepted in the list, but to me it always made more sense
to top post. If you're keeping up on the conversation, then the
relevant information is right there, and if you weren't, it's not
that difficult to go through and catch up (it's not like the lines
are in reverse order, or the words spelled backwards or something).
I have a great deal of respect for you Joshua, and you've helped me
out of a jam more than once, but quite frankly, that is a bit snooty
lol. Still, there is a convention here, and I can respect that, but
Well I did say it might be :)
please don't insult people who see the world in a different direction
than you :-)
Don't put this one on me :). This is a community thing. AndrewS reply
aside, if you review the "will" of the community on this you will see
that top posting is frowned upon.
I will be the first to step up and pick a fight when I think the
community is being dumb (just read some of my threads ;)) but on this
one, I have to agree. We should discourage top posting, vehemently if
Joshua D. Drake
As I mentioned I agree, and I realize this is a community thing, and the
community is awesome so I can respect their will.
Perhaps we should spend more time working, and spend less time debating
netiquette :-)
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