Pedro Doria Meunier wrote:
Hi All,

I would like to implement DB replication with Slony but with a slave
that will not be always available.
The master would have to check first of the slave's availability and
then start syncing...

Is this at all possible, or am I just raving? : )

I am quite new to Slony as well, but one of the first requirements the docs state is:

Thus, examples of cases where Slony-I probably won't work out well would include:

    * Sites where connectivity is really "flakey"
    * Replication to nodes that are unpredictably connected.

So I suspect Slony is not a solution for your effort.  See:

Until later, Geoffrey

Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little
temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.
 - Benjamin Franklin

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