I've to fill something like: create table DESTtable1 ( pk1 serial primary key, -- rest of stuff );
create table DESTtable2 ( pk2 serial primary key, fk1 int references DESTtable1(pk1) -- rest of stuff ); from data that are such way create table SRCtable1 ( pk1 serial primary key, -- rest of stuff ); create table SRCtable2 ( fk1 int references DESTtable1(pk1) ak int not null, -- rest of stuff unique(fk1,aa) ); substantially (fk1,aa) -> pk2 the best way I thought about it is create table temp1 ( pk2 serial primary key, fk1 int references DESTtable1(pk1), ak int not null ); insert into temp1 (fk1,ak) select .... insert into DESTtable2 (pk2,fk1,...) select (pk2,fk1...) from SRC2 join temp1 ... ); alter sequence seq_DESTtable2 RESTART currval('seq_temp1'); But it looks awful. -- Ivan Sergio Borgonovo http://www.webthatworks.it ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 1: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate subscribe-nomail command to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that your message can get through to the mailing list cleanly