I've to fill something like:

create table DESTtable1 (
  pk1 serial primary key,
--  rest of stuff

create table DESTtable2 (
  pk2 serial primary key,
  fk1 int references DESTtable1(pk1)
-- rest of stuff

from data that are such way

create table SRCtable1 (
  pk1 serial primary key,
--  rest of stuff

create table SRCtable2 (
  fk1 int references DESTtable1(pk1)
  ak int not null,
-- rest of stuff

substantially (fk1,aa) -> pk2

the best way I thought about it is

create table temp1 (
  pk2 serial primary key,
  fk1 int references DESTtable1(pk1),
  ak int not null

insert into temp1 (fk1,ak) select ....

insert into DESTtable2 (pk2,fk1,...)
  select (pk2,fk1...) from SRC2
  join temp1 ...

alter sequence seq_DESTtable2 RESTART currval('seq_temp1');

But it looks awful.

Ivan Sergio Borgonovo

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