"Jeffrey A. Rhines" wrote:

> It seems i remember seeing somewhere that someone had developed a
> generic web front-end to Postgres.  Was this a dream, or has someone
> else seen this, too?  If not, would anyone be interested in
> collaborating on a JDBC/Java Servlets - based web front end to
> Postgres?  By the nature of JDBC and servlets, it would of course be
> usable for other RDBMSs as well.  (although i don't know why anyone
> wouldn't use PG ;)

Hi Jef,

We made a framework in perl. The framework makes use of all those
fantastic libraries (mod_perl, Apache:::Session, CGI, DBI, DBD-Pg)
The framework follows the object orientated approach of Perl. Presentation
business logic and data layers are completely separated where the data
layer may be used without the presentation layer. Applications may
be developed language independent.  The presentation layer is driven
by templates and cascading style sheets and a few parameters in
the application. The look of the application is therefore 100%

The framework has a standard tableBrowser to browse and maintain all data
constently, following all referential integrity links defined in the
database classes. This is usable right away, once the database classes
are implemented (only definitions no code). Permission may be granted
on a table level to different users.

The framework is running currently in productive environment in 6 projects
one of them is accessible via the web under
If you press the "Suchen" Button you will see the framework running
in a separate frame (german).

Due the mangle of time we couldn't currently present the work
on our web site. But we plan to deploy the framework under a free
license. We are currently looking for english speaking persons, who
can review the documentation. The framework itself is complete
and installable like an ordinary Perl library.

If you are interested, I can send you the distribution, documentation
and sample database by mail.

Greetings Herbie

Herbert Liechti                     E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
ThinX networked business services        Stahlrain 10, CH-5200 Brugg

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