Any general rule about dynamically generated queries in stored procedures vs. performances?
I was going to write stuff as simple as create or replace function EditQty(int, int, int, varchar(10)) returns boolean as ' declare _uid alias for $1; _aid alias for $2; _qty alias for $3; _table alias $4; _modified timestamp; begin _table := 'shop_commerce_basket' || _table _modified := now(); update _table set qty=_qty, modified=_modified where uid=_uid and aid=_aid; if not found then insert into _table (uid, aid, qty) values(_uid,_aid,_qty); end if; end; ' language plpgsql; Is it going to perform worse than with a static table name? Where can I find some clue about the effects of similar decisions? thx -- Ivan Sergio Borgonovo ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster