On Nov 27, 2007 12:50 PM, Douglas McNaught <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 11/27/07, Scott Marlowe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Actually, if you use the linux based ones, or download dd-wrt or
> > openwrt and install that, the linksys routers are quite stable,
> > reliable, and performant.
> I'm sure they are.  Custom software helps a lot.  :)
> That said, my definition of "production" doesn't include hardware
> that's built as cheaply as possible for the consumer market.  Others
> may differ, and the OPs need may very well be satisfied by a custom
> software load on a cheap consumer router.

Well, if I had a choice between a single internet connection on a big
cisco, and a dual connect through a sonet ring through a pair of
buffalo consumer grade routers with dd-wrt, I'd take the sonet ring.

Course, we'd all rather have both the sonet ring and the big
commercial routers...

(am seriously amazed how many 24/7 ops are out there running with a
sonet ring into the building that turns into a single point of failure
after that.   )

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