On Nov 27, 2007 3:14 PM, Alvaro Herrera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
hat are the column headings?  I find this difficult to read.
> Please post the whole of pg_locks.  I may be missing something but I
> think we're missing part of the picture here.  Autovacuum does not seem
> to be locking on anything.

Unfortunately i logged the pg_locks-state not well formated. i added
now the heading manually. maybe it is better or i have to wait till
tomorrow morning.

but what i think i can see, is that the process with pid 9317 is
holding a ShareUpdateExclusiveLock

locktype   |  database    |  relation       |   transaction |  pid
|  mode                             |  granted
relation    |  75685778    | 75686189   |    9009323    |   9317   |
ShareUpdateExclusiveLock | t

and process with pid 9293 is waiting to get AccessExclusiveLock on the
same relation:

relation    |  75685778    | 75686189   |    9009312    |   9293   |
AccessShareLock |  f

... and 9317 is the autvacuumprocess?

afterkiling it, erything is fine.

i attached the full pg_lock.

locktype      | database          | relation |    transactionid | classid | 
objid | objsubid | transaction |  pid  |      mode       | granted 

relation        75685778        75686652                                        
                9009312 9293    AccessShareLock t
transactionid                                   9017862                         
9017862 25467   ExclusiveLock   t
relation        75685778        77862554                                        
                9009312 9293    RowExclusiveLock        t
relation        75685778        75686561                                        
                9009312 9293    AccessShareLock t
relation        75685778        75686037                                        
                9012978 28370   AccessShareLock t
relation        75685778        75686037                                        
                9012978 28370   RowExclusiveLock        t
relation        75685778        75686371                                        
                9012978 28370   AccessShareLock t
relation        75685778        75686371                                        
                9012978 28370   RowExclusiveLock        t
relation        75685778        75686671                                        
                9009312 9293    AccessShareLock t
relation        75685778        75686189                                        
                9017862 25467   AccessShareLock f
relation        75685778        75686044                                        
                9009312 9293    AccessShareLock t
relation        75685778        75686138                                        
                9009312 9293    AccessShareLock t
relation        75685778        75686138                                        
                9009312 9293    RowExclusiveLock        t
relation        75685778        75685984                                        
                9017862 25467   AccessShareLock t
relation        75685778        75686133                                        
                9009312 9293    AccessShareLock t
relation        75685778        75686652                                        
                9012978 28370   AccessShareLock t
transactionid                                   9018078                         
9018078 10605   ExclusiveLock   t
relation        75685778        75685979                                        
                9009312 9293    AccessShareLock t
relation        75685778        75686031                                        
                9012978 28370   AccessShareLock t
relation        75685778        75686031                                        
                9012978 28370   RowExclusiveLock        t
relation        75685778        75686011                                        
                9009312 9293    AccessShareLock t
relation        75685778        75686176                                        
                9009312 9293    AccessShareLock t
relation        75685778        77862554                                        
                9009323 9317    ShareUpdateExclusiveLock        t
relation        75685778        75685833                                        
                9012978 28370   AccessShareLock t
relation        75685778        75686189                                        
                9009323 9317    ShareUpdateExclusiveLock        t
relation        75685778        75686727                                        
                9009312 9293    AccessShareLock t
relation        75685778        75686199                                        
                9017862 25467   AccessShareLock t
relation        75685778        77862552                                        
                9009312 9293    AccessShareLock t
relation        75685778        77862552                                        
                9009312 9293    RowExclusiveLock        t
relation        75685778        75685984                                        
                9009312 9293    AccessShareLock t
relation        75685778        75685984                                        
                9009312 9293    RowExclusiveLock        t
transactionid                                   9012978                         
9012978 28370   ExclusiveLock   t
relation        75685778        75686004                                        
                9017862 25467   AccessShareLock t
relation        75685778        75686203                                        
                9009312 9293    AccessShareLock t
relation        75685778        75686365                                        
                9012978 28370   AccessShareLock t
relation        75685778        75686365                                        
                9012978 28370   RowExclusiveLock        t
relation        75685778        10342                                           
        9018078 10605   AccessShareLock t
relation        75685778        75686663                                        
                9009312 9293    AccessShareLock t
relation        75685778        75686044                                        
                9012978 28370   AccessShareLock t
relation        75685778        75686044                                        
                9012978 28370   RowExclusiveLock        t
relation        75685778        75686721                                        
                9009312 9293    AccessShareLock t
relation        75685778        75686097                                        
                9012978 28370   AccessShareLock t
relation        75685778        75686622                                        
                9009312 9293    AccessShareLock t
relation        75685778        75686076                                        
                9012978 28370   AccessShareLock t
relation        75685778        75686076                                        
                9012978 28370   RowExclusiveLock        t
relation        75685778        75686781                                        
                9009312 9293    AccessShareLock t
relation        75685778        75686813                                        
                9012978 28370   RowExclusiveLock        t
relation        75685778        77862564                                        
                9009312 9293    AccessShareLock t
relation        75685778        75685868                                        
                9009312 9293    AccessShareLock t
relation        75685778        75685868                                        
                9009312 9293    RowExclusiveLock        t
relation        75685778        75686178                                        
                9009312 9293    AccessShareLock t
relation        75685778        75686178                                        
                9009312 9293    RowExclusiveLock        t
relation        75685778        75686600                                        
                9012978 28370   AccessShareLock t
relation        75685778        75686534                                        
                9009312 9293    AccessShareLock t
transactionid                                   9009323                         
9009323 9317    ExclusiveLock   t
relation        75685778        75685833                                        
                9009312 9293    AccessShareLock t
relation        75685778        75686135                                        
                9017862 25467   AccessShareLock t
relation        75685778        75686189                                        
                9009312 9293    AccessShareLock t
relation        75685778        75686189                                        
                9009312 9293    RowExclusiveLock        t
relation        75685778        75686189                                        
                9009312 9293    AccessExclusiveLock     f
relation        75685778        75685993                                        
                9012978 28370   AccessShareLock t
relation        75685778        75686203                                        
                9017862 25467   AccessShareLock t
relation        75685778        75686807                                        
                9012978 28370   RowExclusiveLock        t
relation        75685778        75685838                                        
                9012978 28370   AccessShareLock t
relation        75685778        75686004                                        
                9012978 28370   AccessShareLock t
relation        75685778        75686099                                        
                9009312 9293    AccessShareLock t
relation        75685778        75686066                                        
                9012978 28370   RowExclusiveLock        t
relation        75685778        75686099                                        
                9012978 28370   AccessShareLock t
relation        75685778        75686099                                        
                9012978 28370   RowExclusiveLock        t
relation        75685778        75685993                                        
                9009312 9293    AccessShareLock t
relation        75685778        77862553                                        
                9009312 9293    AccessShareLock t
relation        75685778        77862553                                        
                9009312 9293    RowExclusiveLock        t
relation        75685778        77862552                                        
                9009323 9317    ShareUpdateExclusiveLock        t
relation        75685778        75686011                                        
                9017862 25467   AccessShareLock t
relation        75685778        75686031                                        
                9009312 9293    AccessShareLock t
relation        75685778        75686015                                        
                9017862 25467   AccessShareLock t
relation        75685778        75685838                                        
                9009312 9293    AccessShareLock t
relation        75685778        75686004                                        
                9009312 9293    AccessShareLock t
relation        75685778        77862532                                        
                9009312 9293    AccessShareLock t
relation        75685778        75686802                                        
                9012978 28370   RowExclusiveLock        t
relation        75685778        75686523                                        
                9009312 9293    AccessShareLock t
relation        75685778        75685991                                        
                9009312 9293    AccessShareLock t
relation        75685778        75685997                                        
                9009312 9293    AccessShareLock t
relation        75685778        75686529                                        
                9009312 9293    AccessShareLock t
relation        75685778        75686199                                        
                9009312 9293    AccessShareLock t
relation        75685778        77862469                                        
                9012978 28370   RowExclusiveLock        t
relation        75685778        75686473                                        
                9009312 9293    AccessShareLock t
relation        75685778        75685860                                        
                9009312 9293    AccessShareLock t
relation        75685778        75686316                                        
                9012978 28370   AccessShareLock t
relation        75685778        75686464                                        
                9009312 9293    AccessShareLock t
relation        75685778        75686640                                        
                9012978 28370   AccessShareLock t
relation        75685778        75685997                                        
                9017862 25467   AccessShareLock t
relation        75685778        75686135                                        
                9009312 9293    AccessShareLock t
relation        75685778        75686076                                        
                9009312 9293    AccessShareLock t
relation        75685778        75686678                                        
                9009312 9293    AccessShareLock t
relation        75685778        75686316                                        
                9009312 9293    AccessShareLock t
relation        75685778        75686640                                        
                9009312 9293    AccessShareLock t
relation        75685778        75685979                                        
                9012978 28370   AccessShareLock t
relation        75685778        75686143                                        
                9009312 9293    AccessShareLock t
relation        75685778        75686143                                        
                9009312 9293    RowExclusiveLock        t
relation        75685778        75686600                                        
                9009312 9293    AccessShareLock t
relation        75685778        75686037                                        
                9009312 9293    AccessShareLock t
relation        75685778        75685997                                        
                9012978 28370   AccessShareLock t
relation        75685778        77862685                                        
                9012978 28370   AccessShareLock t
relation        75685778        75686156                                        
                9009312 9293    AccessShareLock t
relation        75685778        75686156                                        
                9009312 9293    RowExclusiveLock        t
relation        75685778        75686611                                        
                9009312 9293    AccessShareLock t
relation        75685778        77862548                                        
                9009312 9293    AccessShareLock t
relation        75685778        75686189                                        
                9012978 28370   AccessShareLock f
transactionid                                   9009312                         
9009312 9293    ExclusiveLock   t
relation        75685778        77862553                                        
                9009323 9317    ShareUpdateExclusiveLock        t
relation        75685778        75686360                                        
                9012978 28370   AccessShareLock t
relation        75685778        75686360                                        
                9012978 28370   RowExclusiveLock        t
---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
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