On Mon, Nov 26, 2007 at 07:25:04AM -0600, Jeff Larsen wrote:
> My 2 cents...
> I would rather see someone working on true synchronous replication,

It will cost more than US$0.02.  But if you're willing to put up real money,
there are people willing to put in the work.  Or, if you're willing to put
up real money, you can have IBM DB2-style 24x7 systems running tomorrow. 
But it requires real money: (realtively) expensive hardware, and serious
admins who know what they're doing.  

What you can't have is this without cost today.  Or, I venture to say, any
day within the next 5 years.  (Beyond that, I'm unwilling to speculate.)
Tricky problems require expensive tricks.  See the manual for tricks you can
perform today.  Hint: PostgreSQL depends on the OS, so using OS tricks is an

Andrew Sullivan
Old sigs will return after re-constitution of blue smoke

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