Interested in helping out with a UK User Group or UK advocacy for
PostgreSQL? Then please contact me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

After much discussion about User Groups over last 18 months, its time to
get even more active in the UK. Initially, we'd like to recruit a few
people to assist with the organising of local PostgreSQL events
throughout the UK.

There are a number of commercial companies wanting to sponsor events,
but not enough people to actually organise and advocate open source

We're holding a planning meeting at 8pm on Monday 3rd December. The
initial venue is planned to be near Oxford railway station, though we
may consider moving it to a more convenient location for all of the
volunteers. The meeting might also become a virtual one, if that's the
best way.

So far we have Dave Page and myself as volunteers... we know many other
people in the UK have been involved in the past and are active in the
community, but I don't want to assume that they are interested in
helping with organisation and advocacy.

If you'd been thinking about getting involved, now is your chance.

  Simon Riggs

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

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