Tom Hart wrote:

> Ok, that's pretty much what I was told. Our data mine doesn't need to be 
> aware of other locales/monetary formats atm, but given the changes that are 
> happening with the datatype, I think I'll just have to stick with 
> numeric(12,2). Are those TODO items scheduled to be worked on in 8.4 or are 
> they more of a 'someday' item?

I think the sanest course of action is to consider all TODO items to be
of the "someday" type, unless you are planning working on them yourself
(and even then, your patch could be rejected).

Alvaro Herrera        
"No necesitamos banderas
 No reconocemos fronteras"                  (Jorge González)

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

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