On Nov 22, 2007 2:53 PM, Andrew Sullivan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 22, 2007 at 02:28:08PM +0100, Marco Bizzarri wrote:
> >
> > why don't you add a "MAILTO=<youraddress>" at the start of your
> > crontab file, so that you can receive a report of the problem?
> Note: check that your cron accepts such an addition.  Many systems now use
> Vixie's cron, which does accept that, but some don't.  It's a nice feature,
> and good for this purpose.

Andrew, can you confirm the previous statement? I'm checking on a Debian Linux,
at it seems to be a Vixie Cron, and that feature is described in the man page...

> A
> --
> Andrew Sullivan
> Old sigs will return after re-constitution of blue smoke


Marco Bizzarri

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