On Fri, Nov 16, 2007 at 07:56:45PM -0800, adrobj wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a moderately large (~10-20GB) table:
>   msg varchar(2048),
>   msg_tsv tsvector,
>   posted timestamp
> );
> CREATE INDEX msgs_i ON msgs USING gin(msg_tsv);
> The table never gets updated (more specifically, it gets re-created
> once a day with no updates in between).
> I want to run queries of the following form:
> SELECT msg, posted FROM msgs WHERE 'blah blah'::tsquery @@ msg_tsv
> ORDERED BY posted DESC; (with various LIMIT/OFFSET)
> Which obviously may get too expensive, for it will cause reading and
> sorting of all rows meeting the condition, i.e. too many disk reads.
> On the other hand, (as far as I understand) GIN always produces hits
> already sorted in the insertion order.
> So - what if I just populate my table in the order of decreasing
> 'posted', remove the "ORDERED BY" clause and just hope for the best?
> Will the correct ordering be guaranteed?

Ordering is never guaranteed without an ORDER BY, except in the time
between a CLUSTER and the first write operation after it.

> If not, are there any other ideas around?

Rather than assuming you know where problems will arise, do some
profiling and find out where they actually do :)

David Fetter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> http://fetter.org/
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---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
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