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On Thu, 15 Nov 2007 10:12:51 -0800
"Garber, Mikhail" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello,
> We are considering using Postgresql for rather large project and I
> have questions about where it stands in respect to the following.
> Consider these two features already found in major commercial
> products.
> A) "resource governor" - the ability to configure how much resources
> (IO per second, CPU slices) particular users or sessions are allowed
> to use

That is controlled from the operating system.

> B) ability to collect statistics about how much IO and CPU particular
> users and sessions actually use

That one is a little tougher. The database will provide you what
relations are being used and how much. It will not tell you "which"
user did the work.

But again, if you are looking at controlling the instance itself that
is an Operating system problem not a database problem.
> I understand that I should be able to get at least some IO data by
> querying pg_stat_* views, but what about getting numbers about CPU
> usage? And more general question - what are the plans to support
> these and similar features in Postgresql?

I can't speak definitely about your request but I can say I would vote
against much of it. I don't care what user is abusing the system. I
care what process is abusing the system and what that process is doing.

I can get that now between the statistics collection of PostgreSQL and
the standard operating system tools already provided to me.


Joshua D. Drake

> Thanks!
> ---------------------------(end of
> broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 4: Have you searched our
> list archives?
>                http://archives.postgresql.org/

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