Thanks Magnus. Looking forward to 8.4, but I gather that will be some time coming.


Magnus Hagander wrote:
Willem Buitendyk wrote:
Is there any plan to port Postgresql to windows x64?  I can currently
run Postgresql as 32 bit inside Vista 64 - would I see better
performance if Postgresql was running under 64 bit.  My biggest concern
is memory - at 32 bit is not Postgresql limited to 4GB in windows?

It's something we hope will be worked on for 8.4, but there are no firm

It's limited to 2Gb, actually, but *per process*. Since each backend is
it's own process, you can use way more than 2Gb RAM on a 64-bit system.
You can't use it for shared memory, but you can use it for local backend
memory (work_mem). But you'll need a lot of backends to do it, and you
will see other pieces of performance get worse with loads of backend.

Oh, and your RAM will still be used for disk cache, since that's managed
by the kernel.


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TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
      choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

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