On Mon, Nov 12, 2007 at 05:18:28PM -0500, Tom Lane wrote:
> regression=# select '00123'::text like '0%';
>  ?column? 
> ----------
>  t
> (1 row)
> regression=# select '00123'::int4 like '0%';
>  ?column? 
> ----------
>  f
> (1 row)

i think it's definitelly ok - '00123'::text is *not equal* to
'00123'::int4. so result of "like'ing" it is not necessarily the same.

what's more - in case patric showed - when he had int column there was
no "danger" of '00123'::int4.

best regards,


quicksil1er: "postgres is excellent, but like any DB it requires a
highly paid DBA.  here's my CV!" :)
http://www.depesz.com/ - blog dla ciebie (i moje CV)

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