On Nov 12, 2007 6:59 PM, Mason Hale <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am setting up a warm standby configuration as described here:
> http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.2/static/warm-standby.html
> Using PostgreSql 8.2.5
> My production server is archiving 16MB wal segment files at a rate of 1
> every 5 to 10 seconds
> My standby server is processing the wal segment files at a rate of 1 every
> 10 to 40 seconds

> At this rate the standby will never keep up with the production server.
> The production server has a 10 disk RAID 1+0 configuration and 32GB RAM
> The standby server has a 4 disk RAID 1+0 configuration and 16GB RAM, with an
> extra disk to hold the wal archive files (separate from the RAID)
> otherwise they are identically configured

your i/o must be really random to be seeing numbers that lousy (10
seconds to replay a file is 1.6 megabytes/sec), or there is some other
unexplained problem with your server.  is your raid controller
properly caching wites?  have you benchmarked the volume with bonnie++
or similar tool (pay close attention to seeks).


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