Andrew Dunstan wrote:

Greg Sabino Mullane wrote:

Yes, we might want to consider making utf8 come pre-loaded for plperl. There is no direct or easy way to do it (we don't have finer-grained control than the 'require' opcode), but we could probably dial back restrictions, 'use' it, and then reset the Safe container to its defaults. Not sure what other problems that may cause, however. CCing to hackers for discussion there.

UTF8 is automatically on for strings passed to plperl if the db encoding is UTF8. That includes the source text. Please be more precise about what you want.

BTW, the perl docs say this about the utf8 pragma:

Do not use this pragma for anything else than telling Perl that your
      script is written in UTF-8.

There should be no need to do that - we will have done it for you. So any attempt to use the utf8 pragma in plperl code is probably broken anyway.

Ugh, in testing I see some nastiness here without any explicit require. It looks like there's an implicit require if the text contains certain chars. I'll see what I can do to fix the bug, although I'm not sure if it's possible.



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