Hi all. I have this sample setup:
CREATE table t1 ( t text, id int ); CREATE TABLE f1 ( t text ); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( 'field1',1 ), ( 'field2',1 ), ( 'field3',1 ), ( 'field1',2 ), ( 'field3',3 ) ; INSERT INTO f1 VALUES ( 'field1' ), ( 'field2' ) ; What I'd need to do is to "filter" t1 against f1 to get only the rows ( 'field1',1 ) and ( 'field2',1 ). Of course both t1 and f1 don't have a defined number of rows, though usually t1 should be much bigger that f1. I have a rather complex solution in mind with loops in a plpgsql function and am wondering whether there is one simpler. Thanks a lot. -- Reg me Please ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives? http://archives.postgresql.org/