Em Sunday 11 November 2007 04:51:20 rihad escreveu: > pre-hydration, too. This all resulted in much effort not directly > related to the business logic of my app, but rather on overriding > Symfony's way of doing everyday web-programming tasks (like form > validation, results listing, editing). Now I don't really want to work > around further design inefficiencies of Symfony/Propel by trying > updatable views. Really frustrating. Easier to just forgo any > web-framework and write quality code yourself instead, like > phpclasses.org's Manuel Lemos once said in his article... That said, > Symfony 1.1-DEV/Doctrine begin to look promising.
I hope it works in the next release then... It looks like this ORM is so broken that ... I can't say how it was chosen for your project. Anyway, you are trying to solve problems from your ORM inside your database that has no problems. This makes things hard. And they get even harder when you refuse to use advanced features of the database that would help solving the problems... I use ORMs in Python and I don't have this problem. I work with views, functions, big tables, etc. and performance gets better and better every time I optimize *any* of the two sides: application or database. It is always an enhancement, as if I was coding things directly by hand. -- Jorge Godoy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend