Tom Lane wrote:
rihad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
SELECT date+1 INTO day FROM days WHERE date=day OR EXTRACT(dow FROM day) IN (0,6);
       timeout := timeout + 86400;
     END LOOP;

If the EXTRACT condition is true, then the SELECT will always succeed.

Isn't the new "day" re-evaluated on every loop iteration? I'm totally confused.

This code will get even more whacko once you have more than one row
in "days", because it'll pick a random one of the rows in that case
(in practice, the physically first one).  I think you need something
more like

          IF EXTRACT(dow FROM day) IN (0,6) THEN
            -- don't bother to consult table on weekends
            day := day + 1;
            SELECT date+1 INTO day FROM days WHERE date=day;
            EXIT WHEN NOT FOUND;
          END IF;
          timeout := timeout + 86400;
        END LOOP;

BTW, you forgot to initialize "timeout".

Sorry, I hand-cooked this fast from the working code. I guess it defaults to NULL instead of "random bits", which of course wouldn't save me either, but the real (somewhat bigger) code eventually does RETURN LEAST(timeout, expiration_timeout); skipping any nulls.

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

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