Chris Browne wrote:
> If I replicate your query, with extra columns, AND NAMES, I get the following:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:5433=# select random() as r1, random() as r2, random() as 
> r3 from generate_series(1,10) order by random();
>          r1         |         r2         |        r3         
> --------------------+--------------------+-------------------
>  0.0288224648684263 |  0.904462072532624 |  0.27792159980163
>   0.144174488261342 |  0.406729203648865 | 0.452183415647596
>  ...
> It is indeed somewhat curious that the query parser chose to interpret
> that the "order by random()" was referring to column #1.

And even more curiously, IMHO, even specifying
column names isn't enough.  Note that this:

li=# select * from (select (random()*10)::int as a, (random()*10)::int as b 
from generate_series(1,10) order by a) as x order by b;
 a | b
 0 |  8
 1 | 10
 3 |  4
 4 |  8
 5 |  1
 5 |  9
 6 |  4
 6 |  5
 8 |  4
 9 |  0
(10 rows)

is sorted by "a" even though the outermost "order by"
clause explicitly said to order by "b".

Seems like it's a known odd behavior ...

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

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