> So... not really an answer (other than I used a stored proc)

Actually, I'm interested in your solution.
Just to make sure I understood what you did: you bulk-populated (i.e.
with $dbh->do('COPY...'), $dbh->pg_putline(...), $dbh->pg_endcopy) the
referring tables, with their fkey constraints disabled; then you ran
stored procedure(s) that went through these referring tables and
filled in the missing fkeys; and finally you activated their fkey
constraints.  Is this right?

I'm very much of a stored procedures dunce, so if the code for your
stored procedure is "postable", please do.



PS: As an aside to the list, as a programmer, when I'm starting out in
language, I learn more than I can say from reading source code written
by the experts, but for some reason I have had a hard time coming
across expertly written PostgreSQL stored procedures, other than the
occasionally didactic snippet in the docs.  All these expertly-written
procedures seem to be very STORED away indeed!  If, on the contrary,
it's just the case that I haven't looked in the right places, please
hurl me a cluebrick!

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