On Thu, 2007-11-01 at 20:25 +0100, hubert depesz lubaczewski wrote: > On Wed, Oct 31, 2007 at 08:01:41AM -0700, Craig White wrote: > > my script looks like this... > > (all I want is to get a list of the tables into a text file pg_tables) > > everybody else showed some ways, but i'll ask a question: > i hope you're not treating it as a backup? bacause when you do it that > way (on table-by-table basic) the "backup" is practically useless as it > doesn't have internal consistency. > > if you want to make backup, perhaps you can tell us exactly what you > want to do, and why standard pg_dump is not enough. > > if you're fully aware of the issue i pointed - sorry, i'm just trying to > make sure you'll not shoot yourself in a foot. ---- No - thanks...you raised a very good point.
First I would like to thank all of those who responded (Reece, T.J., David, Filip, Ron) with great ideas...I learned a lot. I also have pg_dumpall on a weekly basis and pg_dump each database nightly. I learned that a long time ago when I was in early development and migrated my fedora installation which updated postgres and my database no longer worked. I wanted the table separations nightly as insurance from things like bad migrations (ruby on rails which alters the tables via scripting) and the ability to reload the data from a table based on poorly conceived coding (not that I would ever do such a thing), or to make it easier for me to move data from my production database to my development database. I am fortunate that even though I am now past 30 tables in my project (production) and we've been adding data for a year and a half, the total data backup is only 7 Megabytes (/var/lib/pgsql/data is only 132 megabytes) so I can't have too many different backups made nightly via cron scripts at this point. I also turned on auto-vacuum in the preferences but this method seems much more thorough. For anyone interested, this is what I settled upon for my final script (heck, I don't even bother tar/zip the things yet)... *** begin pg_table_dump.scr *** #/bin/sh # # Script to identify tables, backup schema and data separately and # then finally, vacuum each table # DB_NAME=MY_DB BACKUP_PATH=/home/backup/postgres/production MY_SCHEMA=public PG_USER=craig # psql -U $PG_USER \ $DB_NAME \ -c "SELECT tablename FROM pg_tables WHERE \ schemaname = "\'$MY_SCHEMA\'";" | \ grep -v 'tablename' | \ grep -v [\--*] | \ grep -v rows\) > $BACKUP_PATH/pg_tables # for i in `cat $BACKUP_PATH/pg_tables` do pg_dump \ --username=$PG_USER \ --schema=$MY_SCHEMA \ --table=$i \ --schema-only \ $DB_NAME > $BACKUP_PATH/schemas/$i.sql pg_dump \ --username=$PG_USER \ --schema=$MY_SCHEMA \ --table=$i \ --data-only \ $DB_NAME > $BACKUP_PATH/data/$i.sql vacuumdb \ --username=$PG_USER \ --dbname=$DB_NAME \ --table=$MY_SCHEMA.$i \ --verbose \ --full done *** end pg_table_dump.scr *** Craig ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ? http://www.postgresql.org/docs/faq