I just ran a vacuum verbose on the entire DB and this came out. number of page slots needed (274144) exceeds max_fsm_pages (153600)
Hence, I've changed the max to 400,000 (pulled it straight out of the air). How does one calculate what's the number needed anyway? Another question is, based on what I've read in the archives (in my laptop.. No-Inet conn @ work) Since I've overran my max_FSM, I'm basically screwed and will have to do a vacuum verbose FULL on the entire DB. Crap.. (I was playing with pgfouine and then I found the above piece of advice) I'm planning to run vacuum verbose full tonight/over the weekend. (is this sane?) Thanks for the advice.. ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster