Hello. Is there a way to scroll a cursor from within PL/PgSQL?
I tried EXECUTE, but: ERROR: cannot manipulate cursors directly in PL/pgSQL HINT: Use PL/pgSQL's cursor features instead. The idea would be that PL/pgsql function would look through (all) query results, then rewind the cursor and finally return it. My fellow developers have created a function which run the (complex) query twice (first a count(*) on the result set, then return the row count and cursor to the results. Then they created a version which uses temporary table as a placeholder for the query results, and results count and a pointer to select * from tmp_table. Now I imagined a function which would open the cursor, MOVE FORWARD ALL, then MOVE ABSOLUTE 0; and return count and a cursor, yet it seems it won't work. Any other idea how to efficiently solve such a problem? Regards, Dawid ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 1: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate subscribe-nomail command to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that your message can get through to the mailing list cleanly