On Thursday 01 November 2007 17:08, brian wrote:

> > I was very surprised when I executed such SQL query (under PostgreSQL
> > 8.2): select random() from generate_series(1, 10) order by random();
> >
> > I don't understand - why the result is like that? It seems like in each
> > row both random()s were giving the same result. Why is it like that? What
> > caused it?
> Your query specifically requested that the result be ordered by the
> column "random" in the result set (the default ordering direction being
> ASC). Your query is semantically identical to:
> SELECT random() AS foo FROM generate_series(1, 10) ORDER BY foo ASC;

I also had such theory. But if I do such query:
select x from generate_series(1, 10) as x order by random();
the answer is shuffled in random order.
So why in one case this "random()" is treaded as a column name and in second - 
as function name?

And when I do such query:
select random() as xxx, random() from generate_series(1, 10) order by 
your theory would predict that the answer is ordered by the second column (as 
the first one is renamed to 'xxx'). However in reality the answer is in 
random order.

> I should think that you would get a better result if you dropped the
> ORDER BY clause.

Yes, I know. However, once I made such request just for fun and curiosity, and 
found that I don't know why does it work like that. And since then I think 
about it and try to understand it - if in this case Postgres behaves the way 
I don't understand, I probably don't understand it well at all.

Piotr Sobolewski

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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