Hi Oisin,

> The only similar issues I have seen was where the user was created for 
> the DB with the user must change password at next login option and this 
> caused some issues? 

I checked and I have the option "never change password checked".  However, for 
the user I used for the previous 8.0 install (postgres, the one for 8.2 is 
postgres82) the user must change password at next login option was checked.  

> Also if I removed and reinstalled PostgreSQL in some 
> of the older 8.0.X?? versions it complained as it tried to create the 
> postgres user account when it already existed.

Same here.  So I went and created another user (postgres82).

> I am installing PostgreSQL 8.0.x 8.1.x and 8.2.x on Windows 2000 Pro and 
> Server, Windows XP and Windows 2003 Server without issue.
> Are you deinstalling and reinstalling on the same machine over and over?


> Does the postgres windows user still exist after the deinstall?


That was the whole point of the original email : how come a previous install 
either does not uninstall all it has to or can't reuse stuff from the previous 
install (e.g. the user postgreSQL runs under) ?  Also, I find the "usage of 
users" (database user vs superuser) confusing, but that's most probably just me 
not understanding who does what.  

It seems to me the postgreSQL install on Windows does not provide "sensible 
defaults" : the port is disabled on the host machine ??  I can see the security 
concerns of not opening everything up, but it is awkward to have to Google some 
information and find out one has to tweak conf files just to get it working.  
Or did I miss something obvious in the install dialogs ?

One thing I should point out is that I'm Québec, so we use the "French Canada" 
settings.  Could it be localisation issues not completely resolved in the 
installer ?

Thanx for your help.


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