Matthew Wilson wrote:
I have a lot of code -- millions of lines at this point, written
over the last 5 years. Everything is in a bunch of nested folders.
At least once a week, I want to find some code that uses a few modules,
so I have to launch a find + grep at the top of the tree and then wait
for it to finish.
I wonder if I could store our source code in a postgresql table and
then use full text searching to index. Then I hope I could run a query
where I ask for all files that use modules X, Y, and Z.
DBMSs are great tools for the right job, but IMO this is not the right
job. I can't see how a database engine, with all it's transactional
overhead and many other layers, will ever beat a simple grep
performance-wise. I've used Eclipse for refactoring, but having done it
once, I'm sticking with grep.
Guy Rouillier
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TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster