Hi all,
I've read everything in this subject you guys has discussed already
(including topic started by Max Zorloff) but I haven't found my answer yet.
I'm looking for hints on best configuration for my specific needs: I'm
having complied program written in C, which reads lots of data from
cellular network. Then my C code is running some complex transformations
and finally inserts/updates data in main partitioned Postgres table and
few standard tables. In production, the data will be coming all the
time, around 30.000inserts/minute.
Then, I have set of WebServices, which are invoked by limited number of
customers (3-6 different logins) and runs some selects/DMLs against my
database, no more then ~50queries/minute.
Now, the question is: how my C code should connect to Postgres? You've
recommended pgpool and pgbouncer, but I believe these connection poolers
are rather to be used for webpages, where there is a lot of querying
from different users. Am I wrong? Now I'm using pgconnect (yes, I've
read it's "broke" but is working fine for me .).. Do you see reasons why
I, in this setup, should move to any of connection poolers? Or there is
a better way?
The second question is should I go for connection poolers for my
WebServices as well? If so, what are the reasons?
From configuration POV, I'm using Apache, PHP and Postgres 8.2 server.
Final hardware setup is yet to be decided.
Will appreciate all good comments.
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TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?