
just reporting my own experience; distributing PostgreSQL on Windows
into around 15 companies on Servers AND Laptop-Clients with various
restrictive in-House-Rules:

- the windows installer is robust and scriptable

- the installer uses standard .msi technology, so it can be integrated
into nearly every self respecting sofware distribution system

- challenges usually concerned user permissions for the postgres user:
it definitely needs the "logon_as_service" permission, and Windows
Installer creates it reliably with that permission.
Problems only appeared when inhouse Windows permission systems (Active
Directory and thelike) were configured wrongfully to take those
permissions away.

- PostgreSQL is very very robust even on Laptop-Usage and within
virtual machines. Laptop-Usage being things like "Power Outage", "no
clean shutdown" etc. etc.; even BlueScreening Servers did not lead to
data corruption

- challenges on Computer Systems came from sloppy Antivirus-Systems
and Firewalls, which decided to:
 a) lock database data-files
 b) interfere with local TCP/IP communcation from Client <-> Client
and PostgreSQL postmaster to per-connection-backend

- challenges with System Administrators arose from multiple
postgres.exe processes running on each server (just starting postgres
leads to 5 postgres.exe in taskmanagers process-view; that is correct
but unusual for Windows)

Best wishes,

GHUM Harald Massa
persuadere et programmare
Harald Armin Massa
Spielberger Straße 49
70435 Stuttgart
fx 01212-5-13695179
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