Ralph Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> When I:
>     [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/lib/postgresql/7.4/bin$ psql -U  
> airburst airburst -p 5433

> I get:
>     psql: FATAL:  IDENT authentication failed for user "airburst"

This is not surprising, seeing that you're evidently logged in as
postgres not airburst.  psql's -U option is basically guaranteed not
to work under IDENT authentication: you have to be logged in as the
same username, so -U is useless.  If that's not what you want,
you need to change the pg_hba.conf file --- see
On a single-user box it wouldn't be unreasonable to use TRUST auth
(at least for local connections); otherwise you probably want to
think about setting up passwords.

> My postgresql.conf has:
>     syslog = 2 # 0                  # range 0-2; 0=stdout; 1=both;  
> 2=syslog
>     client_min_messages = debug1
>     log_min_messages = debug1
>     log_min_error_statement = error

> YET I'm getting NO logging in either /var/log/syslog nor in /var/log/ 
> postgresql/postgresql-7.4-main.log

I think Postgres is probably faithfully sending messages to the syslog
daemon, and the syslog daemon is throwing 'em away because it's not
configured to log 'em.  Check your local documentation for syslogd,
but you probably need something like

local0.*                /var/log/postgresql

added to its configuration file.

                        regards, tom lane

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