
Le Friday 19 October 2007 22:29:37 Steve Crawford, vous avez écrit :
> > Do we use that term?  Normally for us it's "large objects".
> Perhaps we should add "LO" but the documentation does refer to the term
> BLOB though typically in the context of "The SQL standard defines a
> different binary string type, called BLOB..." or in the list of reserved
> words.

This topic was discussed on IRC the other day, and we seemed to conclude that 
what standard SQL refers to as CLOB and BLOB can be compared to PostgreSQL 
text and bytea types with TOAST storage, which makes them out-of-line text or 
binary objects.
Large Objects seems to be another beast when compared to blobs...

As I'm still pretty ignorant on the matter, though, I'd appreciate it if some 
light was to be made ;)


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

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